ISCA Hall of Fame Eligibility & Selection Process

ISCA Hall of Fame Eligibility & Selection Process

ISCA Hall of Fame Eligibility & Selection Information

  • A candidate may be elected in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in high school soccer as a high school coach in the state of Indiana and must be a current or former member of the ISCA.
    • (Only exception to this rule  is for any coach who qualifies prior to the formation of the ISCA in 1985)
  • No nominations of any candidate, living or deceased, may be considered until one of the following number of years have elapsed:  
      • 5 years after retirement from high school coaching  
      • After 20 years of varsity experience.  Active coaches qualify.
  • Only current or former ISCA members may nominate a candidate.
  • Nominations must be submitted by May 15th.

Future Nomination Procedure:

1. Nominations must be made in writing to the Indiana Soccer Coaches Association Hall of Fame Selection Committee and should address all of the pertinent achievements on which the nomination is based. 

2. Future Nominations must be received by no later than May 15th of the year it is to be considered.

3. All supporting documentation (for example, letters or statements of recommendations, newspaper articles, films, photographs, videotapes, audiotapes, copies of – or verification of – past awards and achievements) may accompany the written nomination.

4. Anyone except immediate family members of the nominee may send in a nomination.

5. Any current or former ISCA Member may submit a nomination.

Selection Procedure:

The Selection Committee, will work under the supervision of a Chairman.  In a single year, between 1 and 5 living nominees and, in addition, up to 1 deceased nominees may be inducted into the ISCA Hall of Fame.  The first year, the ISCA Executive Committee will review nominations and elect the first class.  After that, the Committee may consist of current or former high school coaches or current HOF members to elect the future classes.

After the nominations are received, they will be sent out to all members of the Selection Committee after the May 15th deadline.  The Selection Committee will meet in person or by conference call after May 15th to determine the Final Ballot from the current nominations.  The Committee members have the option at that time to state if they feel a candidate is not appropriate for the Hall of Fame.

The Final Ballot will be prepared and sent to all members of the Selection Committee.

Selection Committee members are required to rank each nominee (First Choice, Second Choice, Third Choice, etc.). The voting procedure is based upon the total number of candidates.  (For instance, if there are 5 candidates, a First Choice vote would receive 5 points, A Second Choice vote would receive 4 points and then down to the Fifth Choice which would receive 1 point.).  Selection Committee members must vote for each candidate, ranking them as described above.

The points are then totaled by the Chairperson and the Selection Committee will be advised of the results. The Selection Committee will review the results and then meet by conference call or in person to determine the inductee(s).

Up to six (6) – 5 living and 1 deceased - inductees may be chosen each year.  The Committee reserves the right to change the number of inductees if circumstances warrant.

Nominations not selected:

A notification letter will be sent to the person who nominated any individual not selected for induction. A nomination will be considered for up to three years. A nominee not selected after three years must resubmit a new nomination.

Honoring the Inductees:

Inductees will be notified of the date, time and place of an awards ceremony. If deceased, the nearest family member will be contacted to inform them of the posthumous induction and the need for family presence at the induction ceremony.  Each inductee will receive a plaque recognizing their achievements and contributions. The inductees will be “introduced” at the awards ceremony by someone capable of highlighting the achievements of each inductee. The names and accomplishments of each inductee will be displayed on the ISCA website and sent to all media outlets for recognition. These individuals may also subsequently be nominated for any appropriate national awards.

Note: The Hall of Fame will cover the cost of the banquet for the inductee and one other person.